ellenthemelon: Well nice to be back sewing again
ellenthemelon: DSC01745
ellenthemelon: DSC01743
ellenthemelon: DSC01741
ellenthemelon: DSC01740
ellenthemelon: DSC01739
ellenthemelon: DSC01738
ellenthemelon: DSC01731
ellenthemelon: DSC01730
ellenthemelon: DSC01729
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions....and new skirt!
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions....and new skirt!
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions....and skirt!
ellenthemelon: New Kawaii cushions
ellenthemelon: My work space at the mo!
ellenthemelon: Me and my friends!!