ellenm1: Old Penn station as a conservatory with a steam engine in the middle
ellenm1: 09a23dbf-85ec-44bd-bf9b-be829dd0ff5c_ellenm11_modern_chinesecalligraphymixedwithGeezscriptonparchment
ellenm1: 17fff2e0-e7f4-4a00-8c40-6266255d78e0_ellenm11_noir_moviesceneinarainyalleyatnightwithadusenbergcarandfireinabarrel
ellenm1: Midjourney: If Breugel visited Beijing
ellenm1: 95efe727-da16-4d20-94a3-87a5b0d128bc_ellenm11_inside_apowerstationinadam
ellenm1: Fulton Market
ellenm1: ae651655-0204-425d-993e-cfa1e533b006_ellenm11_inside_detroitseasternmarketdetailedinkdrawing
ellenm1: f006bf9a-ee44-4b29-8810-77e8c63be575_ellenm11_an_artisticallyarrangedstilllifewiththeobjectsincloserelationtoeachotherbyedwardcollier1696withscien
ellenm1: 92f445ea-18dc-46d6-b611-5f902bba83c7_ellenm11_a_drapedfountain
ellenm1: Tensile architecture
ellenm1: Midjourney's impression of Crosswinds Marsh
ellenm1: A Siphonophore
ellenm1: a sidewalk café in Kowloon in the rain
ellenm1: Evil politicians meeting secretly in a bar
ellenm1: A museum of obsolete technology
ellenm1: A vast hall hung with gauze draperies
ellenm1: Loons, sorta
ellenm1: Brass instruments
ellenm1: Midjourney's impression of a telegraph
ellenm1: Fabergé egg
ellenm1: Midjourney's impression of one of my flamepainter paintings
ellenm1: Midjourney's impression of one of my flamepainter paintings
ellenm1: Ethiopian manuscripts
ellenm1: Girl wearing a gauze scarf running at night
ellenm1: Girl wearing a gauze scarf running at night toward a fire
ellenm1: Bug
ellenm1: Papercut of seashells made of lace
ellenm1: Electric Forest at night in the fog
ellenm1: origami tesselations
ellenm1: The Guardian Building