EllenJo: Major Lingo Concert, Saturday Night
EllenJo: walking around Clarkdale during the holiday season
EllenJo: Running Clarkdale Parkway at sunset, February
EllenJo: train heading into sycamore confluence
EllenJo: cows in alfalfa field, just beyond Clarkdale
EllenJo: Olive and Erik
EllenJo: Erik and Olive through the rapids
EllenJo: Dogs and kids and dancing in the streets
EllenJo: Live music, PK Gregory on Main St
EllenJo: st cecelia's and clark memorial clubhouse
EllenJo: girl walking with two small dogs near the wilderness
EllenJo: IMGP9420
EllenJo: Ghia at Lower TAPCO
EllenJo: 2020-11-03_08-35-04
EllenJo: bus coming across the bridge
EllenJo: Simon and Hazel approve of new lawn at re-opened town park
EllenJo: clarkdale park gazebo, march 2017
EllenJo: night walkers 3
EllenJo: yucca in boom, clarkdale az,
EllenJo: cholla blooming
EllenJo: bitchen camaro
EllenJo: clarkdale classic and truck
EllenJo: 4th of july, clarkdale az
EllenJo: clarkdale car show and chili cook off, march 10, 2018
EllenJo: St Cecelia's, Clarkdale, AZ
EllenJo: loose cow by clarkdale sign, 89A
EllenJo: Clarkdale Block Party, May 27
EllenJo: PK Gregory at Clarkdale Block Party
EllenJo: Special Event sign
EllenJo: Yellow school Yucca