EllenJo: Ricky and Ellen
EllenJo: Front window -Jerome Artists Cooperative
EllenJo: Ricky and Friends
EllenJo: Rex and Chad
EllenJo: Nick, Mark Dolce and Councilman Elinski
EllenJo: Cheslers, Fisher, and Brice Wood
EllenJo: Karen and Glen
EllenJo: Miss Shealy
EllenJo: rex & ricky
EllenJo: ricky
EllenJo: color flash rex
EllenJo: colorflash wayne
EllenJo: Two faces of Ricky
EllenJo: drinking coffee is cool
EllenJo: my artwork at coop
EllenJo: a finch in my fist
EllenJo: self portrait in mirror
EllenJo: ricky and his 1977 datsun, saturday morning
EllenJo: rex peters & marsha foutz
EllenJo: karen and jasper, saturday morning
EllenJo: karen & jasper, march 2009
EllenJo: jerome- double exposure w/ trumpetvine
EllenJo: saturday morning ricky
EllenJo: jasper & karen outside of the flatiron
EllenJo: butt seriously!
EllenJo: Fred's "butt"
EllenJo: jason & ricky
EllenJo: karen at co-op, saturday
EllenJo: blin and blin
EllenJo: ricky adjusting lights 2-6-10