EllenJo: Waa
EllenJo: Jim and Chad with baby James Jacob
EllenJo: Father and Aunt with new Dahlberg
EllenJo: Floyd meets Jimmy Jake
EllenJo: "Baby's First Italian Beef"
EllenJo: Auntie is soooo boring
EllenJo: Trolley c. 1902
EllenJo: All Aboard!
EllenJo: Old South Shore car
EllenJo: Mom, excited
EllenJo: Freaky brother and his wife
EllenJo: Watch your step
EllenJo: Family visiting Fox Valley Trolley Museum
EllenJo: Baby's first train ride
EllenJo: Old CTA car
EllenJo: Ravenswood
EllenJo: Route 38, Illinois
EllenJo: what they do with old squarebacks in illinois
EllenJo: ellen with old squareback, rural illinois
EllenJo: lake charlotte, st. charles, illinois
EllenJo: south shore line
EllenJo: me and jim at NIU art building
EllenJo: fox river trolley museum
EllenJo: fox valley trolley museum 2
EllenJo: NIU- double lagoon
EllenJo: virgil, illinois
EllenJo: rusty
EllenJo: illinois central
EllenJo: baby ramone and ghost of dad
EllenJo: st charles oak