EllenJo: before view-- old canopy
EllenJo: chad's system for organizing bamboo
EllenJo: bamboo system
EllenJo: structure begins
EllenJo: chad building frame
EllenJo: bamboo engineering
EllenJo: next step
EllenJo: tiki roof detail
EllenJo: bamboo screening
EllenJo: tiki 2
EllenJo: Keys style backyard
EllenJo: good luck sun -1970
EllenJo: bienvenidos a nuestra tiki
EllenJo: Ruth Ellen & Floyd on Memorial day
EllenJo: lounging tiki boy
EllenJo: magnavox -les paul & mary ford
EllenJo: Memorial Day with Floyd, 2009
EllenJo: I'm back....
EllenJo: ..and better than ever!
EllenJo: Welcome to the family, Colorpack 3!
EllenJo: dirty martinis + clean pool= sunday afternoon
EllenJo: Smiley
EllenJo: sophia space case
EllenJo: sunday morning easy life
EllenJo: pool patterns
EllenJo: tiki lights
EllenJo: pool day
EllenJo: our tiki hut collapsed!
EllenJo: Held up only by camping coolers...
EllenJo: Tiki Hut Catastrophe!