EllenJo: clarkdale floyd
EllenJo: rudy & ellen, ghost house 2006
EllenJo: lower clarkdale 2
EllenJo: tim & ruth ellen, clarkdale camper2
EllenJo: tim & ruth ellen, march 2006
EllenJo: One Lane Bridge Broadway Clarkdale AZ
EllenJo: beyond
EllenJo: Chad at Tuzigoot
EllenJo: Roberts in Clarkdale 2006 Tour
EllenJo: August 06 Bitter Creek rain
EllenJo: Monkey Shines
EllenJo: Made In Clarkdale Dec. 1st, 2006
EllenJo: trailer lights
EllenJo: aloe at night
EllenJo: motorcycle dudes
EllenJo: Chad and his 1991 KTM
EllenJo: 1917 Bitter Creek Wash Bridge
EllenJo: lilacs at zunicks
EllenJo: zunicks1
EllenJo: zunicks2
EllenJo: Clarkdale Sign 5-9-07
EllenJo: cross bridge
EllenJo: Springtime dogs
EllenJo: ivan cools off
EllenJo: new pedestrian bridge in lower clarkdale
EllenJo: favourite relic of clarkdale past
EllenJo: clarkdale cocktails
EllenJo: good food 1
EllenJo: clarkdale park sunset
EllenJo: man's best friend