L4leather: late autumn arvo....Explored
L4leather: mosaic tree....Explored
L4leather: come play....Explored
L4leather: spaghetti spiral sky....Explored
L4leather: water lilly leaves
L4leather: Lavender Bay
L4leather: reflection patterns
L4leather: year of the horse
L4leather: cooling off
L4leather: fruit lunch
L4leather: storm over Vaughan Springs
L4leather: home grown sweetness
L4leather: Ornamental grape 15
L4leather: vegetable garden going gangbusters
L4leather: boat shed reflections.
L4leather: Robert Clarke Conservatory
L4leather: Loreto girls rowing
L4leather: mosaic kitch...Aussie style ;-)
L4leather: thrift shop table top
L4leather: Candlestick, Cape Huay.