L4leather: poor old blue eye
L4leather: web building
L4leather: That'll teach him to raid my web!
L4leather: rap dancing wasp
L4leather: Bermagui
L4leather: come play....Explored
L4leather: the good life
L4leather: Hamish alpaca
L4leather: zebras
L4leather: echidna
L4leather: swan nest
L4leather: meercat on watch
L4leather: cheetah
L4leather: cheetah
L4leather: NZ halfblacks
L4leather: fighting gulls
L4leather: Bermagui
L4leather: young master Al Paca
L4leather: hairy legs
L4leather: skinny red legs
L4leather: Koi Grand Prix
L4leather: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle....
L4leather: I like the way you moo...oove!
L4leather: On a mission
L4leather: So what...I'm a turkey head!
L4leather: aah the life
L4leather: ooh that feels so much better!
L4leather: and we have lift-off
L4leather: fur seal