| Les Hirondelles |: I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me; all day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity.
| Les Hirondelles |: You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.
| Les Hirondelles |: The day after
| Les Hirondelles |: And I, love, am I pathological liar
| Les Hirondelles |: Nelle Ombre Sono Regina
| Les Hirondelles |: It was a Good day and an Evil day and all was bright and new and it seemed to me that most destruction was being done by those who could not choose between the two
| Les Hirondelles |: And so you see I have come to doubt all that I once held as true. I stand alone without beliefs, the only truth I know is you...
| Les Hirondelles |: Deleting You
| Les Hirondelles |: Nobody Knows My Pain
| Les Hirondelles |: White Lunar*
| Les Hirondelles |: E lungo il cuore ho uno spacco
| Les Hirondelles |: To the bone
| Les Hirondelles |: O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies / Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws/ Rape and rebellion in the nurseries of my face...
| Les Hirondelles |: Down By The Water
| Les Hirondelles |: Bloom - is Result
| Les Hirondelles |: The Conversation of Prayer
| Les Hirondelles |: Tendono Alla Chiarità Le Cose Oscure*
| Les Hirondelles |: Les Hirondelles
| Les Hirondelles |: Elementary, my dear Watson!
| Les Hirondelles |: A Christmas Rose*
| Les Hirondelles |: On the desk
| Les Hirondelles |: La divina mimesi
| Les Hirondelles |: It Grows Darker With The Day
| Les Hirondelles |: Hush A Wild Violet (or... Look, I found some biting blackberries!)
| Les Hirondelles |: The Little Glass Slipper