ellaapgale: CNV00007-7
ellaapgale: CNV00013-13
ellaapgale: CNV00027-27
ellaapgale: CNV00025-25
ellaapgale: CNV00035-35
ellaapgale: CNV00028-28
ellaapgale: CNV00031-31
ellaapgale: CNV00034-34
ellaapgale: Red car sneaking in on frame 1
ellaapgale: I'm not sure what I was going for here, I didn't quite get it, Ithink
ellaapgale: No trains today
ellaapgale: Path (doesn't it look nicer in the sun shine?)
ellaapgale: House with black windows
ellaapgale: Red car sneaking into frame 2
ellaapgale: Trains cancelled
ellaapgale: Walking
ellaapgale: There is definitely an edge of a horror moive still about this shot
ellaapgale: Something compelling about this
ellaapgale: CNV00017-17
ellaapgale: River Axe
ellaapgale: CNV00021-21
ellaapgale: Moody shot of oli
ellaapgale: Tree! In water! In focus! (ish)
ellaapgale: CNV00025-25
ellaapgale: Tree!
ellaapgale: Film holds highlights
ellaapgale: bridge
ellaapgale: Light
ellaapgale: Tree!