Elkulak: Hopped on the train for Centralia! Pictured is Christopher.
Elkulak: Ramp on Centralia Alpha Road.
Elkulak: Matt rides across a bridge on SR508.
Elkulak: IMGP4391
Elkulak: Steam donkey in Morton.
Elkulak: Downtown Morton.
Elkulak: Matt turns off US12 towards Kosmos Rd.
Elkulak: Christopher flies off US12 towards Kosmos.
Elkulak: Riffe Lake.
Elkulak: Brief stop at Riffe Lake.
Elkulak: Rolling along Champion Haul Road.
Elkulak: Completing the first gravel section of the ride.
Elkulak: Clearcuts east of Riffe Lake. Christopher in the distance.
Elkulak: Matt pedals ahead.
Elkulak: Entering town.
Elkulak: Last full service grocery for a couple days in Randle.
Elkulak: Obligatory Forest Service sign shot.
Elkulak: And with Matt.
Elkulak: Matt found some interesting fungus.
Elkulak: Fungus II.
Elkulak: Our bikes and FR23. This is where the going really gets good.
Elkulak: Perfect pavement, gorgeous forest, and barely any traffic. Forest roads are absolutely perfect for bike touring.
Elkulak: Matt's first tarp pitch.
Elkulak: Wes caught up with us at 9:30PM. He caught the second train of the day after missing the first one.
Elkulak: Matt & Wes head south on FR23.
Elkulak: Matt arrives at the FR23/FR21 junction.
Elkulak: Wes flying along.
Elkulak: Minibreak.
Elkulak: Crossing the Cispus.
Elkulak: The gentleman cross the valley and begin the climb to Babyshoe Pass.