elkarrde: Countryside villa
elkarrde: Landscape: rural growth
elkarrde: Spring walk
elkarrde: Snowy corner
elkarrde: Driving through the countryside, winter is almost here edition
elkarrde: Driving through the countryside, winter is almost here edition
elkarrde: Roadside field
elkarrde: Roadside chapel
elkarrde: Summer day, setting sun
elkarrde: Down to the source
elkarrde: Runway 32L {explored, thank you all!}
elkarrde: Lake in the mountains
elkarrde: Forest for the trees
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud {explored, thank you all!}
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: House on a ridge
elkarrde: Fiery skies
elkarrde: Fiery skies