elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Walking through a cloud
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: Visiting the countryside (digging through the archives)
elkarrde: January seascapes
elkarrde: January seascapes
elkarrde: Everything is green
elkarrde: Everything is green
elkarrde: Everything is green
elkarrde: Not everything is green
elkarrde: Everything is green
elkarrde: Everything is green {explored, thank you all!}
elkarrde: Night time at the park
elkarrde: Night light
elkarrde: Start of a new year
elkarrde: Start of a new year
elkarrde: Happy festive season! 2020 is almost over!
elkarrde: Christmas-day walk
elkarrde: Coming or going {digging through the archive}
elkarrde: Lake, at last!
elkarrde: Sea and sun {explored, thank you all!}
elkarrde: Shipping line
elkarrde: Shining through
elkarrde: Heavy fog
elkarrde: Shunting yard (digging through the archive)