enkyenky: admiring the roses
enkyenky: artichoke in the garden
enkyenky: baby artichoke peekaboo
enkyenky: gardening with Uli
enkyenky: following dad
enkyenky: grimace and smile
enkyenky: garden box construction
enkyenky: garden box construction 2
enkyenky: foxglove
enkyenky: experimental potato method
enkyenky: hair monster
enkyenky: half there
enkyenky: floxglove close up
enkyenky: lawn chaos
enkyenky: new figs
enkyenky: new garden box construction 2
enkyenky: new mower
enkyenky: new garden box construction
enkyenky: new plum
enkyenky: planting the potatoes
enkyenky: produce
enkyenky: ozzie and the new mower
enkyenky: two boards on the end
enkyenky: the yard, tamed a bit
enkyenky: the new garden box in the evening
enkyenky: the yard, tamed a bit 2
enkyenky: Uli in the yard
enkyenky: uli in the garden
enkyenky: uli playing with cord
enkyenky: the roses have colonized the tops of the trees