ElizaGypsy: Fingertips
ElizaGypsy: Art at arms reach...
ElizaGypsy: 365/4; Get Punched
ElizaGypsy: Project SoulPancake Week 4: Eat something that challenges your gag reflex.
ElizaGypsy: 365/15; SoulPancake week five.
ElizaGypsy: 365/23; Playlist for People Watching
ElizaGypsy: Project SoulPancake: Eating without utensils.
ElizaGypsy: 365/59
ElizaGypsy: 365/68; Project SoulPancake- stand in the pouring rain
ElizaGypsy: 365/90; Plunge your hands in the dirt.
ElizaGypsy: 365/91; SoulPancake/climb a tree