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2014 by e weston
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e weston
snow, ice, sky {1:365}
e weston
more snow {2:365}
e weston
e weston
puzzled {4:365}
e weston
I still have thyme {5:365}
e weston
meal planning, it's a good thing {6:365}
e weston
scarlet carrot soup dregs {7:365}
e weston
tea, these days {8:365}
e weston
morning light {9:365}
e weston
leaving {10:365}
e weston
relaxing {11:365}
e weston
January thaw {12:365}
e weston
more soup {13:365}
e weston
light in the darkness {14:365}
e weston
shrouded rivers {15:365}
e weston
trees in puddles {16:365}
e weston
gelato! {17:365}
e weston
laundry day {18:365}
e weston
balancing {19:365}
e weston
making Molly's butternut soup {20:365}
e weston
afternoon pick-me-up {21:365}
e weston
drying {22:365}
e weston
cold walk, hot pizza {23:365}
e weston
Friday fade {24:365}
e weston
Sunday baking {26:365}
e weston
blood orange olive oil cake, for breakfast {27:365}
e weston
plaster progress! {28:365}
e weston
the depths of January {29:365}
e weston
happy hour with my mom {30:365}
e weston
clean-up {31:365}
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