Elizabeth Taylor:
{January 3} thirty six
Elizabeth Taylor:
{January 13} happy birthday to me
Elizabeth Taylor:
{January 16} new lens, no sugar
Elizabeth Taylor:
{January 22} 52things10weekslittlemissoneaday
Elizabeth Taylor:
{January 31} And you want everything to be just like the stories that you read but never write
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
I know exactly how I'm going to spend this dollar.
Elizabeth Taylor:
Curl my lips and crawl up to you
Elizabeth Taylor:
People laugh and love and dream, they fight, they hate to die
Elizabeth Taylor:
Spring arrives with Yellow Dust, Irish Parades, War Museums, Flat On My Back and Hoegaarden: Nature's Muscle Relaxer
Elizabeth Taylor:
Going to Dinner
Elizabeth Taylor:
Apartment "Bedroom" Seoul
Elizabeth Taylor:
mapo station
Elizabeth Taylor:
Head unaware of feet, and feet head.
Elizabeth Taylor:
And so it begins
Elizabeth Taylor:
dirty :: clean
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
A little sun to soothe the soul
Elizabeth Taylor:
With Love from a Mexican Hacienda
Elizabeth Taylor:
All that was...
Elizabeth Taylor:
Huff City
Elizabeth Taylor:
With Love from a Seattle, Washington 1-bedroom Apartment
Elizabeth Taylor:
So, I'm in Canada, hey?
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
Elizabeth Taylor:
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