elizabetht: brothers
elizabetht: Garrison being helpful
elizabetht: 06.13
elizabetht: Nauset Lighthouse
elizabetht: 06.14
elizabetht: climbing the windy stairs
elizabetht: windy, windy staircase
elizabetht: window latch
elizabetht: the view from the top
elizabetht: ocean and sky, from the top of the lighthouse
elizabetht: the Keeper's House
elizabetht: white details
elizabetht: wildflowers
elizabetht: I just love the beach
elizabetht: Dan, sand-bound
elizabetht: a very beautiful evening for kite-flying
elizabetht: the fire's just getting started
elizabetht: Garrison
elizabetht: oh hell yeah roasted marshmallows
elizabetht: from a distance
elizabetht: after dark, beach fire
elizabetht: 06.15
elizabetht: shiny vats of beer
elizabetht: even the growlers are cool
elizabetht: it's just a barrel. I like it.