Elizabeth Plaid: August Shelves - wide view
Elizabeth Plaid: Hello Chickadee - group sizes
Elizabeth Plaid: End of summer stuff
Elizabeth Plaid: Pumpkin hat
Elizabeth Plaid: July 6th's show-and-tell
Elizabeth Plaid: Catching up - 1/6 group
Elizabeth Plaid: Doll tone reference - quad
Elizabeth Plaid: Doll tone reference - trio
Elizabeth Plaid: Doll tone reference - duo
Elizabeth Plaid: Doll-o-ween - group
Elizabeth Plaid: Mid-May redressing
Elizabeth Plaid: Dolls Ahoy army - center front
Elizabeth Plaid: Dolls Ahoy army - left side
Elizabeth Plaid: Dolls Ahoy army - right side
Elizabeth Plaid: Dolls Ahoy army - group
Elizabeth Plaid: Workspace Monday - Adex and Jude
Elizabeth Plaid: Workspace Monday - July 7, 2014
Elizabeth Plaid: Vitamin C and Jude in sweaters
Elizabeth Plaid: Holding pin cushions
Elizabeth Plaid: Greetings 2
Elizabeth Plaid: Greetings, new character
Elizabeth Plaid: Woo group picture!
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude's Stardoll cardigan
Elizabeth Plaid: Lucy and Jude, 1:3 versus 1:6
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude and Ivy
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude dressed like me
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude Deveraux bracelet - Jude's charm
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude Deveraux bracelet - charms
Elizabeth Plaid: Fashion Four
Elizabeth Plaid: Jude has a name tag