Liz McMahon: ‎Lamiaceae, Mentha...
Liz McMahon: Best friends....
Liz McMahon: The best of the blues..
Liz McMahon: The shopping carrier..!
Liz McMahon: 20. Smoke
Liz McMahon: Petroselinum crispum.....
Liz McMahon: Heralding autumn.....
Liz McMahon: Be prepared....
Liz McMahon: Easter flowers...
Liz McMahon: Drinks with Easter lunch.....
Liz McMahon: Home away from home...
Liz McMahon: Sunshine on a stem....
Liz McMahon: Euphorbia hislopii or Crown of Thorns
Liz McMahon: Rugosa Rose
Liz McMahon: Hibiscus
Liz McMahon: Not enough time....
Liz McMahon: Lunch.....
Liz McMahon: Clean specs....
Liz McMahon: I wonder what was in them...
Liz McMahon: Imported....
Liz McMahon: Tulip season..
Liz McMahon: Testing Time....
Liz McMahon: Looking Down
Liz McMahon: Baby blues....
Liz McMahon: You can take the girl out of the country...
Liz McMahon: Still Waters Run Deep....
Liz McMahon: Ouch....
Liz McMahon: Aftermath of the grater!
Liz McMahon: Building a monolith....
Liz McMahon: Hung.....