nuclearmse: Leaf from Jehan de Courcy's Chronique Universelle, King Priam Meets Helen and Paris Outside the Gates of Troy, about 1470, Northeastern France
nuclearmse: Leaf from Jehan de Courcy's Chronique Universelle, King Priam Meets Helen and Paris Outside the Gates of Troy, about 1470, Northeastern France 2
nuclearmse: Glory of the Printed Page
nuclearmse: Initial C Excised from a Choral Book St. Anthony with Antonite Friars, c 1400-1440, Italy, Venice
nuclearmse: Initial C Excised from a Choral Book St. Anthony with Antonite Friars, c 1400-1440, Italy, Venice 2
nuclearmse: Initial D with the Calling of Peter and Andrew, Bifolium from an Antiphonary, about 1425-50, Italy, Lombardy
nuclearmse: Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne
nuclearmse: Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne description
nuclearmse: Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne 2
nuclearmse: Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne 3
nuclearmse: Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia
nuclearmse: Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 2
nuclearmse: Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 3
nuclearmse: Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 4
nuclearmse: Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 5
nuclearmse: Initial S from a Gradual, Madonna and Child, about 1370-74, Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci, Italian, Florence
nuclearmse: Leaf from a Gradual, Historiated Initial S with the Birth of the Virgin, about 1420-1450, northern Italy detail
nuclearmse: Leaf from a Gradual, Historiated Initial S with the Birth of the Virgin, about 1420-1450, northern Italy
nuclearmse: Two Female Saints, Miniature from a Choral Book, mid 1300s, Niccolo di Ser Sozzo Tegliacci, Italian, Siena
nuclearmse: Initial R from a Choral Book with King David, about 1470-80, Guglielmo Giraldi del Magri, Italian, Ferrara
nuclearmse: Evangelary with Evangelist Portraits, about 1480, opening St. Luke, Miniatures by the Hausbuch Master, German, Middle Rhine
nuclearmse: Leaf Excised from a Decretum by Gratian, Initial C with a Seated Cleric, about 1300-1310, France, Avignon
nuclearmse: Leaf Excised from a Decretum by Gratian, Initial C with a Seated Cleric, about 1300-1310, France, Avignon detail
nuclearmse: Leaf excised from a Book of Hours, Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man, France, Rouen
nuclearmse: Leaf excised from a Book of Hours, Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man, France, Rouen detail
nuclearmse: Two Leaves excised from a Book of Hours, The Annunciation, about 1530-5, Noel Bellemare and workshop, French, Paris
nuclearmse: Miniature Excised from a Psalter, the Nativity, about 1270, England, London