Leaf from Jehan de Courcy's Chronique Universelle, King Priam Meets Helen and Paris Outside the Gates of Troy, about 1470, Northeastern France
Leaf from Jehan de Courcy's Chronique Universelle, King Priam Meets Helen and Paris Outside the Gates of Troy, about 1470, Northeastern France 2
Glory of the Printed Page
Initial C Excised from a Choral Book St. Anthony with Antonite Friars, c 1400-1440, Italy, Venice
Initial C Excised from a Choral Book St. Anthony with Antonite Friars, c 1400-1440, Italy, Venice 2
Initial D with the Calling of Peter and Andrew, Bifolium from an Antiphonary, about 1425-50, Italy, Lombardy
Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne
Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne description
Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne 2
Historiated Initial I with Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine, Single Leaf from the Wettinger Gradual, about 1330, Willehalm Master and the Younger Gradual Master, German, Cologne 3
Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia
Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 2
Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 3
Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 4
Initial B with the Trinity, Single Leaf from a Gradual, about 1496-1592, Circle of Pietro di Christoforo di Vannucci, Italian, Perugia 5
Initial S from a Gradual, Madonna and Child, about 1370-74, Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci, Italian, Florence
Leaf from a Gradual, Historiated Initial S with the Birth of the Virgin, about 1420-1450, northern Italy detail
Leaf from a Gradual, Historiated Initial S with the Birth of the Virgin, about 1420-1450, northern Italy
Two Female Saints, Miniature from a Choral Book, mid 1300s, Niccolo di Ser Sozzo Tegliacci, Italian, Siena
Initial R from a Choral Book with King David, about 1470-80, Guglielmo Giraldi del Magri, Italian, Ferrara
Evangelary with Evangelist Portraits, about 1480, opening St. Luke, Miniatures by the Hausbuch Master, German, Middle Rhine
Leaf Excised from a Decretum by Gratian, Initial C with a Seated Cleric, about 1300-1310, France, Avignon
Leaf Excised from a Decretum by Gratian, Initial C with a Seated Cleric, about 1300-1310, France, Avignon detail
Leaf excised from a Book of Hours, Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man, France, Rouen
Leaf excised from a Book of Hours, Adam and Eve and the Fall of Man, France, Rouen detail
Two Leaves excised from a Book of Hours, The Annunciation, about 1530-5, Noel Bellemare and workshop, French, Paris
Miniature Excised from a Psalter, the Nativity, about 1270, England, London