elizabeth frances: video store
elizabeth frances: florida pictures are so boring bet you can't wait to see buffalo pictures.
elizabeth frances: let the stencil carry me away
elizabeth frances: my new favorite shirt
elizabeth frances: sarah helped me pack.
elizabeth frances: sarah at lake eola
elizabeth frances: twenty five
elizabeth frances: carol's scarf
elizabeth frances: polaroid Shayna
elizabeth frances: yellow flower
elizabeth frances: Network Router
elizabeth frances: DATA ports
elizabeth frances: elizadeath
elizabeth frances: Culture Corner- The Netherlands
elizabeth frances: Vietnamese Water Puppets
elizabeth frances: Greg wanted a prop
elizabeth frances: We played Appples to Apples. Don't they look like they are having fun
elizabeth frances: Kelly Kamprath
elizabeth frances: This is how Kelly looked when Adam didn't want to come over.
elizabeth frances: elizabeth and sue
elizabeth frances: sarah and elizabeth
elizabeth frances: sue drove the boat