Elizabeth Alley: fellow urban sketchers
Elizabeth Alley: signing in
Elizabeth Alley: sketchbooks on display
Elizabeth Alley: intro at PNCA
Elizabeth Alley: intro at PNCA
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban people field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban color field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban color field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban color field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban color field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban line field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: urban line
Elizabeth Alley: Gerard sketching in the sun
Elizabeth Alley: urban architecture field sketching
Elizabeth Alley: great art deco building
Elizabeth Alley: urban line sketches
Elizabeth Alley: jealous of this orange hat
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - Don
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - Don's drawing of Frank
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - my drawing of Gail
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - my drawing of Gail, painted with coffee
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - other table (Veronica?)
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - me
Elizabeth Alley: drawing on the paper tablecloths at Elenis Philoxenia - Don