elizabeth aja:
elizabeth aja:
elizabeth aja:
elizabeth aja:
Spritz Cookies!
elizabeth aja:
View from the backyard
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turkeys at the gate
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outside the door
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hunter looks perplexed
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hunter looks on
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hunter and the turkeys
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hunter looks on 2
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Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
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Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
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Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
Winter wonderland at the orchard house!
elizabeth aja:
digging the line - the beginning of the new sunny garden beds
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first 1 meter wide bed, turf removed
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iris planted, mulch in the works
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backyard from the east gate
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back yard and house, from the garden shanty
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backyard hosta, bleeding heart, day lily
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Matt beats the tree stump