| Fade |: Scouting on Mustafar
| Fade |: Coruscant Apocalypse 2
| Fade |: 457th Corps: Mission 13.1-The Kessel Riots
| Fade |: Biohazard
| Fade |: Jungle Bot: Variation 3-A16
| Fade |: EU Commando
| Fade |: Negotiations in Tokyo
| Fade |: Duck and Cover-V2
| Fade |: Mission 13.3- The Kessel Riots
| Fade |: Crystal Mining Bot
| Fade |: Underground Society…?
| Fade |: Uncharted Territory
| Fade |: Technological Advancement in Politics
| Fade |: Operation Blackout
| Fade |: Untitled
| Fade |: Search and Destroy
| Fade |: The Sudan Lie
| Fade |: Operation Night Light
| Fade |: Uptown Surveillance
| Fade |: End of the Line
| Fade |: Mecha Test Subject
| Fade |: Field Work
| Fade |: Through the Steel
| Fade |: Levels Rising