elisharene: My new favorite of myself:
elisharene: Owwwwww. #somanybruises
elisharene: What the hell do I do to myself? I mean, REALLY?!
elisharene: I'm wearing two pairs of tights.... Kinda.
elisharene: This red will take awhile to get used to...
elisharene: Bikes be sexy too.
elisharene: MY PARTY!!!
elisharene: My sock situation miiiiiight be ridiculous, I'm not sure.
elisharene: These cuts are all from the Christmas ornaments vs. vacuum disaster yesterday.
elisharene: Cute, right?
elisharene: My dog is not amused.
elisharene: I accidentally cut my wrists so often that I'm starting to think it's not an accident.
elisharene: The blonde "didn't take." I'll be back for a sexy red on Thursday. Sigh.
elisharene: I stabbed my finger with a pen. That black line is ink inside of my skin. Ouch.
elisharene: I am broken. (Where I = my ring.)
elisharene: I like whiskey.
elisharene: My apple-picking game face.
elisharene: I like mini-golf.
elisharene: I am Spiderwoman.
elisharene: Big Mouth at Beat Kitchen
elisharene: My 29th Birthday
elisharene: Picnic: Bill + Me + Meat
elisharene: Santa says Brentley has been a good puppy.
elisharene: Bill is adding up his winning mini-golf score.
elisharene: Bill is winning, we are both having fun.
elisharene: Mini-golf.