elisharene: Brentley calls Shotgun!
elisharene: Brentley says, "Fix It!"
elisharene: Don't Jump!
elisharene: White Nose!
elisharene: Wet Puppy! + Rainbow Snake
elisharene: Wet Puppy!
elisharene: Mid-Pee
elisharene: Night Watch Dog
elisharene: Chomp!
elisharene: Hump Me!
elisharene: Hump Me!
elisharene: Hump Me!
elisharene: Couch King
elisharene: Birthday Presents!
elisharene: The Toy Basket
elisharene: Brentley Re-Claims the Duck
elisharene: Peanut Pick Up!
elisharene: The Peanut King!
elisharene: "Are you going to clean this up?"
elisharene: Help Me Clean!!!
elisharene: Cookie first!
elisharene: Happy 1-Year-and-11-Month Birthday!