Elishams: Lets join our hands together for a better world...
Elishams: Pray
Elishams: Hanuman Ji
Elishams: The Bearer of Skull
Elishams: Pray to Brahmâ
Elishams: Offering Water - BENARES
Elishams: Celebration - Baba dham
Elishams: Meditation - Baba dham
Elishams: Staring Sun
Elishams: Ujjain - Just a flower
Elishams: La courbe du temps - The curve of time
Elishams: Arghya - Varanasi
Elishams: Mantra - Benares
Elishams: The water nymph
Elishams: Centre
Elishams: Sadhana
Elishams: Surya
Elishams: Mantra
Elishams: Worship in the city of light
Elishams: Blessing
Elishams: Surrender
Elishams: For the sake of love
Elishams: Vibrations
Elishams: Beauté d'âme
Elishams: I'll make it the best day of my life
Elishams: New Delhi - Opposite the railway station
Elishams: Tent altar
Elishams: Praying for Tibet - Bodh Gaya
Elishams: Submission to the supreme power - Baba dham
Elishams: Surrender - Ayodhya