elisabethp: Carolers Part 2: Oh Tannenbaum
elisabethp: Carolers Part 1: Oh Christmas Tree
elisabethp: Downtown
elisabethp: Denver Christkindl Market
elisabethp: Christmas market downtown
elisabethp: It's not Edgar, but...
elisabethp: Downtown purple piano
elisabethp: Denver
elisabethp: At the yarn shop
elisabethp: Statue of cowboy with saddle and rope
elisabethp: Colorado Convention Center
elisabethp: Happy Birthday, Patrick!
elisabethp: Denver is a city for people who can spend $1.3 million on a loft overlooking train tracks.
elisabethp: view of the Rockies from 16th Street Mall
elisabethp: view of Denver from home
elisabethp: Central Business District, Denver
elisabethp: 16th Street Mall
elisabethp: I watch gym people as I wait for my ride at 5.
elisabethp: Bovine Metropolis
elisabethp: My office building is the one with a cop out front.
elisabethp: Chocolate Shoppe!
elisabethp: lunch break in Denver
elisabethp: Denver Public Library
elisabethp: bebop
elisabethp: State Capital Dome from the Denver Public Library
elisabethp: Keep Off the Buffalo!
elisabethp: at Buffalo Bill's Grave, overlooking Golden
elisabethp: Denver State Capital
elisabethp: Wynkoop Brewery
elisabethp: at the Denver Art Museum