Elisa1880: Antwerp Central, 7:14 p.m.
Elisa1880: View from the train
Elisa1880: The Hague, central station
Elisa1880: Beautiful Dutch trains
Elisa1880: The modern world
Elisa1880: Amsterdam, Central station
Elisa1880: Waiting
Elisa1880: The Hague HS railway station
Elisa1880: In a world without time...
Elisa1880: 9.30pm
Elisa1880: View from a train window
Elisa1880: metro
Elisa1880: Modern world
Elisa1880: Amsterdam central station
Elisa1880: Dutch trains, Glimmen (Groningen)
Elisa1880: VI. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: V. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: IV. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: III. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: II. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: I. Piano at The Hague Central station on different days
Elisa1880: Seen from a train window
Elisa1880: The Hague Central Station
Elisa1880: Amersfoort
Elisa1880: View from a train window, Firth of Forth, near Edinburgh
Elisa1880: Haarlem, train station
Elisa1880: Train
Elisa1880: It's time
Elisa1880: Porto Campanhã, train station
Elisa1880: Amsterdam Central Station