eli.pousson: Vacant lot, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Alley south of the vacant lot, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot facing south on Greenmount Avenue, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot facing west on Whitridge Avenue, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot facing the break in the fence on the alley, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot from southern edge, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: View of vacant lot from southeast corner, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: Vacant lot facing north, Greenmount and Whitridge Avenue, Baltimore, MD
eli.pousson: IMG_1481
eli.pousson: IMG_1482
eli.pousson: IMG_1485