stellario: NGC6543 Cat's Eye nebula and galaxy NGC6552 (Draco) - 26% crop
stellario: VdB152 nebula (Cepheus)
stellario: VdB126 nebula (Vulpecula)
stellario: WR134 Wolf-Rayet star (brightest at image center) and surrounding nebula, including the arc shaped by its powerful stellar winds (Cygnus)
stellario: IC443 Jellyfish and other nebulae in Gemini, between bright stars Propus and Tejat Posterior
Mars, The Moon & More: Apollo 15 / Ehanced View of Moon Crater 'Menelaus'
Mars, The Moon & More: 2019-08-05_04-06-52
Mars, The Moon & More: Crater within Schiaparelli Crater Filled with Layered Rock
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: Bumblebee approaching a Poppy. 11/07/2019
Pegaso0970: Taurus Molecular Cloud-II
stellario: NGC225 open cluster with (little) bright nebula VdB4 and several dark patches (LDN catalogue) in the dense star field near gamma Cassiopeia
stellario: M31 Andromeda galaxy (with satellites M32 and M110)
Roberto Colombari: Two Clusters
snct-astro: Hyades, pleades and california
Peter Goodhew: HFG1 #Explored
andredem1: ngc7635
Lizarranet: California a Pleyades con Cometa Wirtanen
cfm2004: abell72_20190930
snct-astro: South region of the Orion
Dominique Dierick: NGC1333, part of the Perseus molecular cloud
bnw12: Orion's Belt, Barnard's Loop, and the Boogeyman Nebula
enoiro@91: Pleiadi WBPP PCC 2019 copia
Roberto Colombari: M52, Bubble, Cave and many other friends
Nightcasper: NGC225 and vdB4 Sailboat cluster in Cassiopeia
enoiro@91: Pleiadi finali
34latsur: NGC246
noodeler: Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146)
Roberto Colombari: Omega Centauri and CenA in the flux
Zlatko Orbanic: PN A66 43