Jehane Ramola: Excelsior Geyser
Ken-Zan: Halmstad
HJsfoto: A lot of water this time of the year. It has been raining a lot this summer and autumn.
tinahkansson: Hello You!!!
Tjidididi: The late visitor...
diesmali: Nature's Poetry
Ken-Zan: Invigning Bluelight
annsphoto: Varmt i gamla smedjan
annsphoto: Autumn
HJsfoto: Time for fungus
HJsfoto: It is a lot of rowan berries this year
Tjidididi: Heeeelp!!!
Tjidididi: Taken...
Tjidididi: Vackerbackens Great Gandhi
Tjidididi: On my way to Amarillo..
Ken-Zan: Part of family art
Tony / Guy@Fawkes: And spiders threads is hanging still,
kuriren: Mr rooster
diesmali: That Night Was Magical
Albert Photo: The Three Musketeers
HJsfoto: Skogens färger / The colours of the forest
HJsfoto: Blåvinge på en blåklint / Blue butterfly on a blue cornflower
HJsfoto: The last presents of summer
HJsfoto: The beavers had made a pond. This flower liked all the water.
HJsfoto: Lingon på väg att mogna / Lingonberries soon ready to pick
sandromars: Suzdal AnelloD'Oro : Vita sul fiume Kamenka
Ken-Zan: Torggatan 12