eg2006: Cute in her My 1st Christmas sleeper
eg2006: She walks hanging onto things now!
eg2006: Buddy-boy in his cute pajamas (that are too big)
eg2006: Looking perturbed
eg2006: Looking at their reflection in the oven door
eg2006: Still looking...
eg2006: Not sure what she's doing here
eg2006: Elisha w/ present from Uncle Mike G.
eg2006: He LOVES this thing!
eg2006: Adorable-ness...
eg2006: Jingle-bell barrettes from Grandma that I clipped onto this headband
eg2006: Mariah with little ball
eg2006: Eating the ball
eg2006: Havin' fun
eg2006: Oopsie! He fell.
eg2006: Mariah at Grandpa H's house
eg2006: Mommy's doll-baby-girl
eg2006: Mariah & Elisha at Grandpa's house
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 1
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 2
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 3
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 4
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 5
eg2006: Elisha's new balls from Mike, Kara, & girls
eg2006: Anne already reading her new book
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 6
eg2006: Opening presents at Grandpa's house 7
eg2006: Snoop n' Sniff classic F-P toy from Uncle Mike G.
eg2006: Snoop n' Sniff doggie
eg2006: Mariah pulling the doggie