wanderinghome: brothers
wanderinghome: My shadow, on a moving boat
wanderinghome: falling, with style!
wanderinghome: FISHEYE!
wanderinghome: EUREKA!
wanderinghome: en el espejo, con barba
wanderinghome: Me by firelight
wanderinghome: self portrait 12-9-06
wanderinghome: Petrolia and I
wanderinghome: Holi group photo, Sangla
wanderinghome: self portrait after kaligat
wanderinghome: boca del rio Mattole
wanderinghome: me in the fields, 2003
wanderinghome: the world is innocent no more, 2003
wanderinghome: ibicencan self portrait
wanderinghome: Sitting on the front of the boat, Iquitos