elifins: Dori Rae.. in the most unflattering pic ever
elifins: Dori Rae's Big Reveal
elifins: Dori Rae's Big Reveal
elifins: Dori Rae
elifins: Claire always wanted a big sister.. but come on!!
elifins: Dori Rae - Amazonian Beauty
elifins: Sexy..
elifins: Demure & Thoughtful
elifins: Thanks Jenn!!!
elifins: Comfortable in her own hair!
elifins: A Mouse in Focus
elifins: Looking on to her new friend
elifins: Dori Rae rescued this little guy from our garage sale
elifins: Dori Rae
elifins: Brown Specks Shruggy Thingie
elifins: Dori Rae
elifins: Dori Rae