elias the barbarian: 2009-08-10 19.13.23
elias the barbarian: The boys have already given up...
elias the barbarian: F You Manny
elias the barbarian: Please Panda Please!
elias the barbarian: At least the nachos are good
elias the barbarian: Down In Front.
elias the barbarian: C'mon Dirty Sanchez!
elias the barbarian: Benji Post Home Run
elias the barbarian: Lou Seal wearing his douche shades.
elias the barbarian: C'mon Genie.
elias the barbarian: Giants Fans
elias the barbarian: Panda talkin shit to Manny
elias the barbarian: Panda telling Manny he's a douche.
elias the barbarian: Panda, the double play king.
elias the barbarian: Dirty, Doing Dirt.
elias the barbarian: Ishi, post homerun
elias the barbarian: Genie at the bat
elias the barbarian: Panda Chewing his Gum
elias the barbarian: Sanchez vs Manny
elias the barbarian: First Pitch