eli_makes: do not understand
eli_makes: neon flowers at dusk
eli_makes: because we all need a safe space
eli_makes: friendly owl peeps at the Kennedy School
eli_makes: Vaux Swifts
eli_makes: Bird Watching Cookies
eli_makes: blur-tastic fun
eli_makes: pictures or it didn't happen
eli_makes: so not my usual scene
eli_makes: practically a requirement
eli_makes: St. Johns is my favorite
eli_makes: St. John's from a distance
eli_makes: drawbridge
eli_makes: bridge being drawn
eli_makes: the only flowers
eli_makes: The Doug Fir's women's room
eli_makes: Mercury moose, I think
eli_makes: AMAZING light fixture
eli_makes: Pix macarons are beyond
eli_makes: I've never loved a state like I love Oregon
eli_makes: see what I mean?
eli_makes: Crown Point
eli_makes: ATM Cozy
eli_makes: finally spring
eli_makes: VD color scheme
eli_makes: there must be a ton of pictures of this
eli_makes: nothing but GLUTEN!
eli_makes: man down
eli_makes: Friendly kitty