eli_makes: red mantel toys
eli_makes: magnified pork rinds
eli_makes: magnified labbits
eli_makes: flocked labbits
eli_makes: Jabba waits by the phone
eli_makes: some labbits do not care for sushi
eli_makes: Teela and friends
eli_makes: smores
eli_makes: amigurumi Cthulu
eli_makes: seriously downsized book rainbow
eli_makes: tiny book and toy rainbow
eli_makes: yummy donuts and breakfasts
eli_makes: white books and wedding night barbie
eli_makes: mustache'd labbit
eli_makes: Quilted Elephant
eli_makes: mostly organic
eli_makes: a gift for a friend's baby
eli_makes: watermelon loves paint
eli_makes: Thankyouments!
eli_makes: I can't seem to throw away toy boxes, so...
eli_makes: yellow red and pink
eli_makes: mini Pez
eli_makes: You got something to say?
eli_makes: Peer Pressure
eli_makes: Labbits are go!
eli_makes: I don't trust that guy
eli_makes: Dunny and Riposino have S'mores
eli_makes: A Clockwork Dunny
eli_makes: Mowhawk Baby
eli_makes: Cringer