Elgin County Archives: Robert Marshall Anderson and his wife, Kate Wegg Anderson, 1901
Elgin County Archives: Anderson Department Store, St. Thomas, female staff, circa 1906
Elgin County Archives: Anderson Department Store, St. Thomas, female employees in staff lounge, circa 1910s
Elgin County Archives: Robert Marshall Anderson and his son Donald Hume Anderson, circa 1915
Elgin County Archives: Anderson Department Store, St. Thomas, 25th anniversary staff banquet, 1921
Elgin County Archives: Robert Marshall Anderson, 1926
Elgin County Archives: Donald Hume Anderson, his wife Mary Morley Anderson, and their daughter, Katie Anderson, circa 1940s
Elgin County Archives: Andersons Limited Board of Directors, 1946, (left to right) F.J. Lapp, E.G. Cooper, Donald Hume Anderson, Ruby Copeman, Warren A. Andrews and Donald McCallum
Elgin County Archives: Donald Hume Anderson, 1946
Elgin County Archives: Anderson Department Store, St. Thomas, long-serving employees, 1951
Elgin County Archives: Robert Morley Anderson, 1973
Elgin County Archives: Anderson Department Store, St. Thomas, employees on store closing day, October 8, 1988