Francis Gordon Moore:
forsaken I [ Out there ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
forsaken II [ 9 step ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
forsaken III [ From our living room to yours]
Francis Gordon Moore:
forsaken IV [ Escaped ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ River in ther road ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Awake / Un risveglio ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ 1.000.000 died to make this picture ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Sento le voci ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Now turn off the lights, my dear ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Waiting room ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Troubled sleep ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Come on in ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ No more fun ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
Confusion is next
Francis Gordon Moore:
She dreamt she was a bulldozer, she dreamt she was alone in an empty field
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Good morning, spider ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Don't worry if it's dark and I'm late ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Questo è un teschio ]
Francis Gordon Moore:
[ Be invited ]