mermaids and moss: { finishing the binding by hand }
mermaids and moss: { still not finished }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 11 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 10 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 9 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 8 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 7 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 6 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 5 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 4 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 3 }
mermaids and moss: { snowflake : 2 }
mermaids and moss: { made through blurb }
mermaids and moss: { look what arrived last night }
mermaids and moss: { very happy with how it turned out }
mermaids and moss: { arrived last night. ordered Monday }
mermaids and moss: { it would be cruel to move him. I should probably take a break }
mermaids and moss: { he's still assisting by placing his tail exactly where I need to join the binding }
mermaids and moss: { corner }
mermaids and moss: { how am I going to handle these corners? especially with a cat on top }
mermaids and moss: { still trying to figure out the binding on this quilt }
mermaids and moss: { ironing }
mermaids and moss: { started this little quilt four years ago }
mermaids and moss: { the sea turtle nest }
mermaids and moss: { making an instagram book through blurb }
mermaids and moss: { swimming birds }