Elf-Y: heather
Elf-Y: h . 1
Elf-Y: h . 2
Elf-Y: h . 3
Elf-Y: h . 4
Elf-Y: h . 5
Elf-Y: sometimes you're the only one you can lean on
Elf-Y: heather is a flowering plant that thrives on peaty barren land
Elf-Y: h.t. one
Elf-Y: h.t.two
Elf-Y: h.t.three
Elf-Y: your lips move but i can't hear what you say
Elf-Y: half a life
Elf-Y: my heart does not know
Elf-Y: m e
Elf-Y: listen
Elf-Y: composing the title could be the hardest part
Elf-Y: can you hear me
Elf-Y: woman in black, partners in silence, strangers in daylight
Elf-Y: i never fool myself that my dreams will come true
Elf-Y: everytime we say goodbye, i die a little