Elf-Y: Green Moss
Elf-Y: Porcelain Blue
Elf-Y: Colours IMG_3631
Elf-Y: Shakers IMG_3223
Elf-Y: IMG_1839
Elf-Y: Cone of ash
Elf-Y: Building Corner
Elf-Y: Red Lanterns in the Room
Elf-Y: A quiet moment with a Chinese tea pot set
Elf-Y: Broken
Elf-Y: Rocks, B&W [3]
Elf-Y: Foam
Elf-Y: Two of Us
Elf-Y: Tree, Pale Leaves (against blue sky)
Elf-Y: ...
Elf-Y: Cold
Elf-Y: Here's a lotus for the weekend
Elf-Y: the last hour of light
Elf-Y: light from out the lurid sea
Elf-Y: Portrait of a reptile
Elf-Y: It's alright now
Elf-Y: life's diversity is amazing
Elf-Y: I am Leo
Elf-Y: it's brilliant outside
Elf-Y: Just two
Elf-Y: Under the red lanterns
Elf-Y: It's almost golden (but it's not autumn)
Elf-Y: dry bank
Elf-Y: A tree by the reservoir bank
Elf-Y: Nature is.