in the shadow~: ·. blackout·
in the shadow~: nÿ-oüℓ∂ ωєя
in the shadow~: cliquez ici pour ajouter un titre
in the shadow~: cheli ( :
in the shadow~: mechi : )
in the shadow~: niurc· lagunie de chascomusiquit .
in the shadow~: bwrawrbwri·ë
in the shadow~: .·.·.:·:·.·.·:·.:.·.:.·.·:.·:.:·.:·.
in the shadow~: *·_________·*
in the shadow~: ·brains.ñum·!
in the shadow~: tikititktkt
in the shadow~: · eldllsedsllz ·
in the shadow~: vzvz·.·
in the shadow~: clse ÿr mind ·n feel thebst .>:·
in the shadow~: itsjusta·dream¨
in the shadow~: sm♥ ♥ th
in the shadow~: ♥ ·c♥mpütrR ♥b♥·tt
in the shadow~: .·. lusz
in the shadow~: dr. lee _