elevatedprimate: Here Lies a Cat
elevatedprimate: I see a bbbb irr rd ... bird!
elevatedprimate: Mingus the Merciless
elevatedprimate: One Waits for Coffee, The Other Looks For Birds...
elevatedprimate: mingus and gypsy
elevatedprimate: leftover sushi
elevatedprimate: I'm Ready For My Closeup, Mr. DeMille
elevatedprimate: Couch Dwellers
elevatedprimate: nice nails, but could you let go of the tail ...
elevatedprimate: mingus with lady friend
elevatedprimate: mingus returns
elevatedprimate: mingus discovers new heights
elevatedprimate: portrait of a cat
elevatedprimate: what's a lion cut?
elevatedprimate: I shouldn't have asked ...
elevatedprimate: deadwood scared mingus
elevatedprimate: submission to domestication
elevatedprimate: evil wonder twins
elevatedprimate: Feet....I Love...Feet...
elevatedprimate: new home
elevatedprimate: thanks for the rug
elevatedprimate: foul beast...sleeping
elevatedprimate: I Love My Mingus.