elerelf: "I know it is here..."
elerelf: Butterfly`s lunch
elerelf: ...should I stay or should I go...
elerelf: "Good Morning"
elerelf: "Double"bee
elerelf: hanging around
elerelf: Colours in sunlight
elerelf: "Hi Bee".... "Hi Bumble"
elerelf: "what a steep hill!"
elerelf: purple meeting
elerelf: "Out of the way, beetle!"
elerelf: into the green-eyed cave
elerelf: Big Eyes watching me - "Hoverbee" or "Honeyfly" or what else...
elerelf: Red head bee (little series - picture #4 ) - "Rotkopfbiene" (kleine Serie - Bild Nr. 4)
elerelf: Red head bee (series - picture #3 ) - "Rotkopfbiene" (kleine Serie - Bild Nr. 3)
elerelf: Red head bee (series - picture #5 ) - "Rotkopfbiene" (kleine Serie - Bild Nr. 4)
elerelf: "Red head bee" (little series - picture #1 ) - "Rotkopfbiene" (kleine Serie - Bild Nr. 1)
elerelf: Red head bee (series - picture #2 ) - "Rotkopfbiene" (kleine Serie - Bild Nr. 2)
elerelf: No risk - no fun! or: you will not know, if you don´t try...
elerelf: Imagine, you are an ant...
elerelf: Bumble"rocket"bee
elerelf: "Catch me if you can"
elerelf: Where is the entrance...?
elerelf: Waldbrettspiel (Pararge aegeria)
elerelf: "Damn! Where I had put this yellow pollen?"
elerelf: posing
elerelf: Butterfly "kleiner Fuchs"
elerelf: How much you still want to carry, little bumlebee?
elerelf: I see you!
elerelf: Stripes are in fashion again!