elerelf: morning rays
elerelf: Thunder storm front over the city - Gewitterfront über der Stadt
elerelf: Bad weather´s coming - Schlechtes Wetter im Anmarsch
elerelf: Angel face
elerelf: Big sun [Explore Jul 3, 2011 #483]
elerelf: Sunset rewards
elerelf: On the top of the hill -ray of lights
elerelf: The rainy sunny day
elerelf: "big-nose-punk"
elerelf: Rauchzeichen -Smoke signals
elerelf: Sky over the Power Station
elerelf: Highway in Sky
elerelf: after sun´s going down...
elerelf: DSC_6395
elerelf: Sunset near Aachen/Germany
elerelf: Sunset with tower
elerelf: broken sun
elerelf: wall of clouds
elerelf: Summer feeling in Autumn
elerelf: Goldener Oktober - Golden October
elerelf: Sonne und Regenwolken - Sun and rain clouds
elerelf: bizarre Wolken -weird Clouds
elerelf: tiefe Wolken - deep clouds
elerelf: tiefe Wolken - deep clouds
elerelf: tiefe Wolken - deep clouds
elerelf: tiefe Wolken - deep clouds
elerelf: tiefe Wolken - deep clouds
elerelf: funny smokey figure
elerelf: DSC_1601
elerelf: DSC_1589