elerelf: DSC00548
elerelf: DSC00549
elerelf: DSC00550
elerelf: DSC00553
elerelf: Thunderstorm is gone..
elerelf: DSC00555
elerelf: DSC00551
elerelf: Abendhimmel - Sky at the Evening
elerelf: This is not a painting - it was the real sky!
elerelf: This is not painted - it was the real sky!
elerelf: Abendhimmel Blick nach SW - Sky at the Evening view to SW
elerelf: DSC00541
elerelf: Praia de Amoreira
elerelf: DSC03652
elerelf: DSC03657
elerelf: DSC03662
elerelf: DSC03664
elerelf: After the Storm